Beat the winter blues

Beat the winter blues

Beat the winter blues

Whether you plan on renting a caravan or cabin, or you’re lucky enough to have your own van or annual site, there are some real upsides to gathering your family and friends for a holiday park escape in the colder months.

Escape the cold

Temperatures in Australia are greatly varied, so you might not need to travel too far to find a spot that’s a fair bit warmer than home (Melbournians – we’re talking to you!). And no matter where you are, the winter sun on a crisp day is a spectacular combination. 

Save money

Off-peak seasons equal off-peak rates. Choosing to take a family holiday during the cooler months will allow you to get more bang from your buck. So you can afford to stay for a few extra days, or put the change away for your next adventure.

Avoid the crowds

Lots of people are put off by the cold weather, which is great for those who are made of stronger stuff! You’ll have access to the best sites, beaches will be empty, lines will be shorter, and you’ll experience a real sense of space and freedom from the big smoke.

Explore the great outdoors

Holiday parks are often located among some of the most beautiful parts of the country, and the cooler weather can allow you to really make the most of the surrounding nature. Hiking on an overcast day sure beats hiking in the sun, and your photos will look great!

Keep the kids busy

One of the many benefits of staying in a holiday park is their wide range of children’s indoor and outdoor activities. With so much to see and do, there will always be plenty to entertain the younger members of your travelling party, whatever the weather.


Is there anything better than sitting around a campfire on a chilly evening? If you’re staying in a holiday park there will likely be some regulations regarding campfires but they will be far more relaxed than during the summer months, so remember to pack the marshmallows.

No bugs

Well, there will likely be some bugs… But certainly a lot less than you’d encounter in the warmer months, and we think that’s worth celebrating. 

No matter what the weather, there’s never a bad time to take some time out for yourself and your family. We’ve had enough staying home with jigsaw puzzles to last a lifetime, so make the most of the changing seasons and don’t let the declining temperatures hold you back.


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